“I started supporting IFAW with small donations in the mid-late 80s. Then, in the early 90s, I received a booklet about the seal-hunting industry, called ‘Red Ice,’ written by IFAW’s then-CEO Brian Davies. It shocked me to the core and really solidified my commitment to IFAW.
Over the years since, I have watched as species across the world face a growing number of challenges, and I have also seen how IFAW works to raise public awareness of these challenges.
As I get older, the increased rate of issues, like extinction, habitat loss, wildlife trade, disasters, exploitation, and cruelty towards animals, is troubling for me.
My decision to leave a legacy to IFAW in 2009 was an easy one and one I am proud and honoured to have made.
I have witnessed a great deal of progress across the years, and it is encouraging to see the work being done by IFAW and their teams across the world. So much work is done behind the scenes and on the ground — from hands-on caring for animals to working with authorities, communities, governments and more. The list of projects is long and impressive and has certainly reinforced my decision to leave a Gift in my Will to IFAW.
I have no doubt my legacy will enable IFAW to continue their awesome work, for all the animals that we share this earth with. I hope my words here will inspire many others to also
consider leaving a gift in their Will to IFAW — it’s a good feeling.”